Tuesday, February 22, 2011


This very snowy winter has me a little stir crazy. I cleaned out one of my bins and found this stamped apron so I started  working on it. I started looking into how this all started and found information on redwork embroidery.  So when I finished the apron I was off for another project.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Off on a new adventure....red work embroidery.  Like my vintage cookbooks I have also been interested in vintage embroidery.  I learned to embroider at ten.  I love intricate designs that are simple embroidery and not cross stitch.  Since red work is done on muslin or more authentic flour sack towels.  The use of red floss since it was the first colorfast embroidery floss.  Where is this taking me, who knows but floss even at 39cents is a bargain and flour sack towels at 1.00 for a 28"by29"  towel.  Let's see........